Letters to the Editor – 1 July 2023

Council clean-out, Birkdale lands and G.J. Walter Park road - in letters

The need for a Council clean-out at the next local government election, plans for a road through G.J. Walter Park in Cleveland and some thoughts about appropriate use of the Birkdale lands, in letters to the Editor.

And there’s a letter commenting about ‘Flyways’, the film about migratory shorebirds.

If you have something to say, email your letter to: theeditor@redlands2030.net

Council clean-out needed

Council clean-out needed
Protest in 2022 against Karen Williams continuing as mayor, after crashing her Council car while drunk

Who would have thought that Redland City Council would not have had a councillors’ alcohol policy in place?

Seems not, but more to the point is why there was one conspicuous dissenter, Councillor Talty. One has to ask why a no vote? What’s the point given it is ineffectual to the outcome? Either way, the whole process seems very odd.

On the one hand, we have Karen Williams continuing to be involved in Council matters as if nothing has happened and on the other, the meeting being led with a Christian prayer.

For those unfamiliar with civil government and democratic processes, religion has no place in any transparent government system. Given the Redlands is supposedly a 21st-century multicultural area it seems our esteemed Councillors are either out of touch or plain ignorant of the real world out on the streets. It seems old colonial habits die hard.

Back to reality. Get ready for another whack in the hip pocket as rates inevitably rise and the only mystery was by how much?  As if we aren’t doing it tough already, we will be slugged again and ratepayers be warned this is not the end of it. These new-fangled projects are going to need lots of money to build and maintain over years to come.

So look forward to more bad news in this respect.

Be very angry when the next lot of council pay rises roll through and you can bet they won’t be far off.  Remember the elections are looming and the old saying, “do nothing and nothing changes”. In my view, it’s time for a clean-out.

As a side matter, as if the Council hasn’t got better things to do, they have taken to policing car parking on grass verges outside of residences. Talk about priorities and perhaps they should have thought about this while approving so many new residential builds!

Wellington Point 

G.J. Walter Park road is bad planning

Walker Group’s Draft EIS included plans to build new roads in G.J. Walter Park

In the latest iteration of the Doomsday development overreach at Toondah, the Master Plan insinuates there will be a ROAD through the public park. After community outcry in 2014, if I recall, RCC made removal of the road conditional of Council’s support and approval of the development.

Seven years on, RCC and Walkers must think we have forgotten, or don’t care. We care.

Walker Corporation gorges on public land to plan a commercial residential development of crushing architectural mediocrity. For years we paid extra on our rates to purchase the CSIRO site for the port upgrade – only to find it handed free to Walker.

The fact is, this bloated white elephant can’t work without that road through the park. Just like the Ugly Sisters couldn’t cram their fat feet into Cinderella’s slipper.

Just fix the port already. 

Point Lookout

Birkdale lands could be a botanic garden

Birkdale Community Precinct

Redlands has a unique opportunity to create a natural reserve in a local government area that is rapidly disappearing under housing and apartment developments.

I propose that the Birkdale lands be made into a botanic garden, preserving the heritage of the area, and providing visitors with a haven where koalas and other native animals and birds may be observed, with walking tracks and garden beds etc.

The existing farmhouse could be a visitor’s centre and cafe.

The idea of a white water rafting facility is absurd in the extreme. For one week of the Olympic competition, ratepayers will be saddled with a white elephant rafting facility, requiring a constant drain of expenditure. The proposed plan does not show adequate parking, and will undoubtedly consume more of the site than is shown.

It is a shame that Council is captured by a develop (destroy) mindset, that sees anything in a natural or near natural state, as something that can be concreted over to benefit favoured interests and donors.


Editors note: More than 1,500 people have signed a petition to Queensland Parliament opposing development of a whitewater facility in the Birkdale Community Precinct.

Flyways is a “must see”

Image promoting the Flyways film

Anyone who has not seen the film Flyways should really make the effort! It shows the research done on following the flight of shorebirds, who fly thousands of kilometres to breed and depend on building up their strength by feeding on the marine life to ready themselves for the return flight.

It is beautifully filmed and narrated.

However, it was sad to see that, over time, the birds are becoming smaller in size, and the destruction of their natural habitat has a lot to do with that.

In recent times, the number of birds have plummeted.

Given the above, it is horrifying to think more destruction is being considered, which will jeopardise the shorebirds if the Toondah Harbour PDA project of 3,600 units goes ahead. Any building of units will jeopardise this fragile ecosystem. 

There’s no justification for this vandalism of the Harbour in any form 

We must all fight this if politicians won’t 

Point lookout

Editor’s note: A TV screening of ‘Flyways’ can be viewed free of charge on ABC iview.

More Letters To The Editor

Birkdale Whitewater Proposal, Turtle Killings, And Toondah In Letters

Do Nothing And Nothing Changes – Letters To The Editor

Wildlife Attacked In Thornlands, Toondah On The ABC And Local News Coverage Missed – In Letters

Redlands2030 – 1 July 2023

One Comment

Amy E Glade, Jul 05, 2023

I agree with area around Willard Farmhouse being transformed into Botanic Gardens. We are no longer living in a Shire, we have been known as Redland City for many years, yet we have no botanic gardens as other cities do. We, the people, never asked for, nor wanted, a Whitewater canoe racing facility on this piece of precious land in a heavily built up area outside its boundaries on Old Cleveland Road East that is about to have another 18 houses built opposite the new Redland City Council banner stretching along the entire length of the precinct. We are desperate for a place….open space….walking trails, cherishing native trees for wildlife…along the lines of what is planned for Victoria Park, (ex golf course) a place for people of all ages. There will be native and endemic species of the Brisbane ecosystem, what would naturally have grown there during Aboriginal settlement. We, too, can create a city oasis where visitors can see koalas in the wild, along with our two Heritage listed sites, Willard Homestead and WWII radio receiving station.

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