Redlanders are continuing their opposition to the Toondah proposal for a mega residential development in the waters of Moreton Bay.

If you have any more thoughts or ideas about the Toondah proposal, or anything else, write via email to:

Toondah – an impending disaster

Dr Steven Miles 2016
New Premier Steven Miles – Photo credit

Another Xmas and New Year has come and gone but the fun and games at Toondah keep rolling in.

A new Premier, and likely a new Government this year so what more shocks can we look forward to in 2024? If any of you had watched the ABC 7.30 report a few weeks ago, you would have seen the story about Walker Corporation’s ill-conceived development in the Woollondilly /Appin area south of Sydney.

So why would we care what’s going on down there? This is the same Walker Corporation behind Toondah Harbour and they have been caught in a stoush with the Council and the NSW State government regarding the lack of infrastructure planning.

More to the point, how was the Appin development allowed to happen without new roads, schools or emergency services?

There is a community campaign demanding that the rezoning be overturned until the parties can sort out the infrastructure issues. Too late she cried, houses have been built, deals have been done and people have moved in. Too bad if the roads and services are inadequate or can never be built. But a development without proper sewage services is beyond the pale. Is this what is in store for Cleveland if the Toondah PDA gets a tick? 

Toondah Harbour has all the hallmarks of an impeding disaster, should it go ahead.

One arterial road in and out of Cleveland to the city and what about the feeder and service roads that will be needed to service the Harbour? What about sewage and rubbish collection traffic?

It is incumbent on every ratepayer to start lobbying our Councillors for answers by asking tough questions about Walker’s suitability and demanding they address the environment and infrastructure concerns as being demonstrated and plaguing the NSW projects.

Let’s find out what’s going on behind the scenes, and demand some answers.

Mr Ontheball (Staunch defender of ratepayers rights)
Wellington Point

Minister, Please reject the Toondah proposal

I’m concerned about the proposed project at Toondah Harbour. I know that the Environment Minister hasn’t made a decision yet and so I would ask that she rejects the Toondah proposal, which could pave over 40 hectares of Ramsar-listed wetland.

I believe approving this project would set an alarming precedent by undermining the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Significance, one of the oldest and most respected global conservation treaties.

Moreton Bay’s migratory birds
– painted during a community art project.

These wetlands provide critical habitat for the critically endangered Bar-tailed Godwit and the Eastern Curlew.

The population of the Eastern Curlew has declined by 80 per cent in the last 30 years due to developments like this one, along their coastal habitats.

As the Eastern Curlew is also one of 20 priority birds identified in the Federal Government’s new 10-year Threatened Species Action Plan, it would be unreasonable to approve this project, which would have a direct, detrimental impact on them.

I hope my message has reached Minister Plibersek, and ask that she reject this proposal and save Toondah Harbour.


Toondah is a waste of effort, time and money

Toondah Harbour

Just how many words gave been written and spoken about this abominable plan to desecrate our Ramsar protected coast for profit. How much time has been wasted with arguments and counterarguments. How much wasted bureaucratic time?

It is really so simple; the proposed Toondah development is  : – 

1. not allowed HERE by international Ramsar agreement; 

2. not needed HERE – there are other easier sites to develop; 

3.  not wanted by the majority of local voters.

So why any doubt, why the lack of clear leadership?

The developers do not have any right to expect that any of their donations can change international regulations and agreements. The proposal is not able to pass the common sense test of the man in the street.

Stop the apparently interminable and wasteful dithering and do what the voters elected you to do, not your paymasters.

Point Lookout

Minister Plibersek please save Toondah Harbour

This is my plea to Minister Plibersek to save Toondah Harbour from the horrendous, massive development proposed by Walker. 

Walk for Toondah
Toondah Harbour Mothers Day March in 2023

She received the EIS in early December and has 40 days to make a decision. How about giving the community sufficient time to assess the revised EIS. I heard Walker’s representative on ABC recently and was shocked by the audacious claims he made.

For example: he said most of the submissions against the project came from Birds Australia in  Melbourne, and the local people want it.

I am one of the many local people who think it is so shocking, the idea should never have even been voiced.

Two thousand people have marched through the streets of Cleveland on Mothers Day 2 years running because we do NOT want this. As we walked past cafes people applauded us.

Another point that Walker’s representative made over and over is that the facilities in the small port that has ferries travelling to North Stradbroke Island/Minjerriba is rusting and neglected.  I agree, as do most locals. The Queensland government and Redland City Council have neglected to maintain the port to build pressure for the Walker project.  They should have maintained the port. We are asking for the port to be maintained. Locals marching had signs saying “Stop the Rort, Fix the Port”.

I will try and summarise my biggest concerns about the project.

1) It is proposed to be built in a Ramsar Wetland that has mud flats essential for migratory wading birds. The biggest of those are the Eastern Curlew. There are also sedentary waders.

2) It is proposed to have a sizeable marina. This would disturb the acid Sulphates, thus making the rest of the bay more acidic. It would also release carbon that has been stored there.

3) Destruction of mangroves would reduce fish nurseries as well as increase atmospheric carbon.

4) The project is estimated to take 20 years to complete. 20 years for locals to suffer the disturbance caused by a project that would reduce their lifestyle quality!

5) There is a Koala colony in the area and they would not even survive the initial couple of years into the construction.

6) Traffic would be at gridlock or close to it during construction and thereafter.

7) Marine wildlife (Dugongs, Dolphins, Green and other turtles etc.) would be decimated by increased boat movements during construction and after with boats in the marina. 

8) Noise: the sound of piling is awful and it travels over water. We on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands would suffer from the enormous amounts of piling noise. After construction there would be excessive noise from watercraft. Of course marine wildlife will suffer from the noise too.

It was a mistake to allow this concept to progress to the Environmental Impact Study and I know the mistake was made by Josh Frydenburg, who ignored his department’s advice.

Please make the best scientific choice but don’t overlook community opinion here, across Queensland, nationally and internationally.

And of course, any decision should prevent damage to Moreton Bay, the Moreton Ramsar Area, the Marine Park, G.J. Walter Park and the livability and amenity of Cleveland.

Karragarra Island

More Letters To Redlands2030

The 2032 Olympics, Toondah Harbour And The Next Queensland Government

Luxury apartments and coastal development

Wildlife protection and the housing shortage in southeast Queensland

Redlands2030 – 12 February 2024


Siggy Nowak, Feb 25, 2024

I find it difficult to understand why Minister Plibersek’s decision is taking so long. It seems clear to me, as well as the majority of residents of Cleveland, that the developer and various government departments are making every effort to push through this project. It’s an ill conceived project that will obviously cause significant harm to our sensitive coastal environment and, if successful, will set the tone for further developments up and down this very fragile coastal strip. Despite obvious attempts at offsets and restrictions, the development appears to be being pushed hard by governments at all levels yet it goes against all the principles of Ramsar and the reasons Toonhah was protected in the first place.

Paola Torti, Feb 15, 2024

Minister Plibersek please reject the destructive, inadmissible massive development proposed by Walker and
honor your promise of zero new extinctions. Save Toondah!
The world is watching you.
From Italy

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