Toondah and the housing crisis - letters

Letters to the Editor – 7 April 2023

Letters this week include a call for Robodebt justice, concerns about parking at One Mile, and a plea for koalas to be kept safe if Mount Cotton Road is upgraded.

We also have a first time letter writer commenting on Redland City Council’s attempts to re-brand the Redlands, and a letter about Moreton Bay.

Redlands2030 publishes letters about anything that might interest folk in the Redlands so email your letters to

Alternative to the late Redland City Bulletin

Final edition of the Redland City Bulletin

This is my first contribution to the Redlands2030 Newsletter.   I am pleased to have found this as an alternative to the late Redland City Bulletin, which as a newspaper made a fine fish ‘n’ chips wrapper.

It is hoped that, with the demise of the Bulletin, Redland City Council will now cease its pointless promotion of the “Redlands Coast” monniker. 

Apart from Council propaganda I have yet to see any serious or consistent use of this misleading descriptor.   With the exception of Channel Seven, even the local TV stations still use ‘Redlands’ or ‘Redland’ on weather maps in the nightly bulletin.


Parking At One Mile Is Deplorable

Cars parked near the water taxi terminal at One Mile on Straddie

The parking spaces at the One Mile water taxi terminal have just been reduced by 22 spaces. This is since Transit Systems (part of the same business as Stradbroke Ferries) purchased the Stradbroke Bus Company and is in response to their calls for extra room so their buses to turn around at the terminal.

The parking situation at One Mile is deplorable, for instance, there is only one handicapped space available for the ageing population of the Island.

Has the Council any plans to overcome this situation?


Redlands Robodebt victim calls for justice

Robodebt Royal Commission
Catherine Holmes AC SC Commissioner

As a victim of the Robodebt Scam I am very concerned that the Robodebt Inquiry will turn out to be just like every other talkfest, with no specific outcomes.

I was charged with a debt of $10,000. I knew this was impossible, so I went through the Centrelink process as advised. Their final letter acknowledged that an error had been made but it was My Fault because I had failed to to follow advised procedure.

Robodebt existed for years and contributed to the deaths of hundreds of people.

That public control was through threats and fear should send a very decisive message to the wider community that we are entrenched on the downhill slide into anarchy.

Ministers, while being told that Robodebt was “illegal”, failed to take action.

All senior persons involved in Robodebt must suffer real penalties. The outcomes must reflect justice being seen to be done.

Alexandra Hills

Mount Cotton Road upgrade plans

Mount Cotton Road Upgrade planning
Study Area for planning related to Mount Cotton Road

As your readers may be aware, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is in the process of planning a major upgrade of Mount Cotton Road, Redland Bay Road and the Redland Sub-Arterial Road.

The period of initial community consultation closed on 12 March 2023. My partner and I submitted to the initial consultation highlighting the need to protect the ecosystems and threatened species of the road corridor, with a strong focus on minimising impacts and adequate planning for ecological connectivity and installation of crossing structures. 

We are passionate about preserving our local ecosystems and species of national significance including the koala.  We will continue to consult with TMR throughout the planning of the road upgrade to advocate for adequate consideration of environmental matters adversely impacted by the road corridor.

There will be further opportunities for community engagement with TMR on the planning and design of the road upgrade before the commencement of the project and we wish to improve community awareness of the impacts of this significant project and increase community engagement as the planning process unfolds.

We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to engage with you about this important matter and seek your support in better informing the community about the project, its impacts on our koalas, and how we can build community support for better protection of our koalas through ecologically sensitive infrastructure design. 

In my view, the consultation has been limited in time and geography. There is a need for more, much more.

Mt Cotton

Moreton Bay is a very special place

Wetlands south of the Toondah Harbour ferry terminals which would be destroyed if Walker group's plans are approved.
Mangroves next to Toondah Harbour

Having come to the Moreton Bay /Quandamooka area for nearly 30 years, I have always regarded it as a special place. However it’s only in recent years that I’ve realised how important it is ecologically, and environmentally, after hearing from experts about the diverse habitats which protect the coral reefs and the rocky, sandy and muddy foreshore, which is a feeding ground for thousands of species.

I was also amazed to hear it’s the only place where dugongs are so close to a capital city.

The rich life of mudflats forms a part of the food chain, I am wondering if this were to be interfered with what it would do for the continuation of the fishing industry, It surely must harm it.

While Climate Change shows us the danger of excessive carbon, I was pleased to hear that mangroves store carbon 35 times faster than rainforest plants.

Yet mangroves are being destroyed around the world. Why?

From my selfish point of view, I love being able to have picnics in the area of Moreton Bay and enjoy its natural beauty, seeing the shorebirds land. Is there anyone on the Redland Council (given all these positives)  who can tell me why any development is being considered, especially that of the 3,600 apartments as proposed?

I am looking forward to using this recreational space for years and years to come, much better than hearing the noise of development, the dust and the traffic, which would result in the direct opposite for years and years, a long time! Do we really want another Raby Bay, with the issues they’ve faced? Can someone please answer my questions?

Point Lookout

Previous Letters To The Editor

Here are more letters to the Editor:

Land ownership, Council secrecy, Accolade from an International Tourist and Do We Need to Replace the RCB

Redland City Bulletin Closure, White Water Waste And Magical Mangroves

Letters To The Editor – 16 March 2023

The Editor

Redlands2030 – 7 April 2023

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