Toondah and the housing crisis - letters

Letters To The Editor – 23 March 2023

Letters this week discuss closure of the Redland City Bulletin, reflections on a popular mayor, benefits of mangroves and shock at the Birkdale white water proposal.

Redlands2030 publishes letters about anything that might interest folk in the Redlands.

Tell us about things that are outrageous or wonderful, sad or funny. If you think it is important, then other folk might want to read your say.

We will publish letters expressing a wide range of views, including those we don’t agree with. We want you to have your say about what matters to you.

In this small way, we hope to fill some of the void left in our community when the Redland City Bulletin publishes its final edition on 5th April.

Email your letters to

Irresponsible white water waste
Shunyi Olympic Slalom course used for the Beijing 2008 Olympics (now derelict) Photo: Gerry Boudens

I am writing to you from Germany to express my surprise, or rather shock, at reading about the Redland Council Proposal for the Birkdale White Water Facilities for the Olympic Games.

What a huge destruction of valuable nature and habitat for your precious wildlife, especially the endangered koalas, and what a huge waste of money.

I can hardly believe that council can be so naive to think that a development, with extremely negative effects for the environment and the taxpayers, for such a short term event can be even considered.

I also understand that the majority of the community oppose this plan, however, council and probably developers seem to have their own agenda.

It is well known that huge investments for Olympics do not bring sustainable economic benefit. This whole project appears to be a highly irresponsible undertaking where local residents, wildlife, nature and environment will suffer. How can this be allowed?

For tourists from overseas, the Olympics in Brisbane are meaningless if koalas in the wild will become extinct. Tourists don’t want to see koalas in zoos or toy koalas in museums and tourist shops!

What makes Australia special, attractive and unique is its amazing nature and wildlife. Don’t destroy the treasures you have. Save and protect your nature and wildlife.

Anja Schneider

Vale Redland City Bulletin

Redland City Bulletin
Redland City Bulletin

It is gutting to see not only jobs lost due to the closure of the now Redland City Bulletin but the devastating loss of a Community’s voice.

This  absence of local  stories and events will have a considerable impact on our Community.

No more local news headlines or editorials that have significant impact on our Redlands.

No more human interest stories, boating, sports, real estate, motor vehicle, special features, community event photos, notices, classifieds and of course Letters to the Editor along with much loved regular written columns.

Advertisers will miss the Redland City Bulletin

Advertisers who wished the opportunity to use their local paper as a medium for their business no longer will have this choice.

Yes there were those that didn’t wish to received this free local newspaper delivered onto their lawns weekly. Some would not even bother to pick up to place in their bin.  

Yet like myself and the now huge over 50s population of Redlands there are an army of dedicated Community readers waiting weekly to learn of important news coverage locally and what was happening for our own area. 

Thanks to The Redland City Bulletin Editor and staff

I take the opportunity to thank Editor Craig Thomson for his fantastic work in bringing an open, diverse and informative weekly edition and his journalist and staff who maintained this high standard. You will be very greatly missed.

Wellington Point

Magical mangroves

Toondah Harbour mangroves

What an amazing walk from Oyster Point on Sunday.

We found out so much from our guide Toni about the value of mangroves.

For years they have been undervalued and equated with dirty water. The reality is they are vital to maintaining or stopping erosion, cleaning the water, protecting the shoreline and buildings from storm surges and providing a nursery for young fish.

Without mangroves, the fishing industry would be in trouble.

No wonder people are horrified at the thought of the proposal for units at Toondah Harbour.

If this goes ahead it will destroy mangroves on the shoreline and the island in the marine park which will become the foundations of the 3,600 units.

Mangroves are more efficient at storing carbon over long periods of time than forests of trees. Development of this area is foolish, to say the least.


Mayor Eddie and the community

Eddie Santagiuliana
Redlands Mayor 1994-2001

Mayor Eddie Santagiuliana died in 2001. It was a different time. It was a time when we had a different style of leadership, when the discourse was civil and when one man embraced the views of all citizens. It was then a real community.

Almost 4,000 people turned out for his funeral. That would be an indication of the measure of respect for the man. He was absolutely loved by everybody.

The Bayside Bulletin, the local newspaper, wrote columns and columns about him. One of these  was a little story by Linda Muller in the Bayside Bulletin headed “The people talk …”

“Christian Santagiuliana, his eldest son said that Eddie had four children—his three sons and the shire.

And while the family choked on a deep and personal grief at the funeral of the late Mayor Eddie Santagiuliana, his fourth `child’ openly mourned. Everyone’s story was personal—everyone cherished their own special memory of their Mayor, their Eddie.

The funeral, the largest funeral yet to be seen in the shire, was a public display of one man’s association with so many groups and individuals.”

Much of that community focus in the Redlands came from Eddie Santagiuliana. He had the ability to harness the community spirit of the Redlands in a way that produced invaluable benefits for the community.

He was passionate about the Redlands. I too remember Eddie and I mourn every day for what we no longer have – true leadership and real vision.


Previous Letters To The Editor

Here are more letters to the Editor:

Letters To The Editor – 16 March 2023

Whitewater plans, World Wetlands Day and saving Trove

Toondah Project – perspectives and questions about the Draft EIS

The Editor – Redlands2030

Redlands2030 – 23 March 2023

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