Draft Redland Housing Strategy

To support its population growth agenda, the State Government has prepared a Draft Redland Housing Strategy. If adopted, this ‘strategy’ would result in the minimum lot size being reduced from 400 m2 to as little as 200 m2 in many residential areas.

A short video showing areas where increased residential density would be allowed has been prepared by Redlands2030 using mapping done by Redland City Council.

We wrote about the Government’s Draft Redland Housing Strategy in:

Squeeze up – the State Government’s Draft Redland Housing Strategy

The State Government is intending to force through its desired changes by making the local council do a Temporary Local Planning Amendment to bypass the consultation process that would be needed for a major amendment to the Redland City Plan.

This may be your last chance to have a say before subdivision works begin next door to your home.

Make a submission by 12 November

The deadline for making submissions about the Draft Redland Housing Strategy is 12 November 2023.

Here is a template submission drafted by Redlands2030. You can copy this text and use it in an email. Or just click the button to make a submission.

You can modify the template submission and this is a good thing to do. Tell the Government what you really think.

Response to the Draft Redland Housing Strategy

After reviewing the draft Redlands Housing Strategy, I wish to record my dissatisfaction with the following aspects of the Plan.

1. This document is not a strategy

The proposed Redland Housing Strategy is not a strategy. It’s a ploy to quickly change the regulation of housing development in the Redlands to suit property development interests.

2. The State has not properly consulted the community

The consultation process for the Strategy is ‘tick and flick’. You put out a wordy complex document that assumes a good understanding of the town planning process and invite people to ask questions. Most people will not engage and support such a process. People should be able to attend public meetings, get explanations of what is proposed and have opportunities to then ask questions. Three ‘ask a planner’ sessions is not proper consultation.

3. Changing the City Plan should be done the proper way

If the State Government wants to rewrite the Redland City Plan to suit those with property development interests, then this should be done with proper lengthy genuine community consultation including provision of detailed maps showing the proposed changes in lot size, density and building height – block by block.

4. Sustainable balance

The Strategy mentions “sustainable balance” but proposes to densify areas currently zoned low density residential which will result in more reduction of wildlife habitat in urban areas. And while replaying the ‘build up not out’ tune, the proposed Strategy assumes that greenfield development will happen in Southern Thornlands. It is not a sustainable Strategy.

5. Infrastructure

The proposed Strategy does not address current and future infrastructure challenges. A plan to squeeze 50,000 more people into Redlands should be accompanied by plans for necessary infrastructure. This includes roads, public transport, schools, hospitals, parks and sporting facilities. Some of these requirements will need land yet the current Redland City Council has already failed to put aside enough land for meeting the City’s recreation needs.

6. Walkability

The strategy proposes increased densification within 8oo metres of presumably the perimeter of current centres. But it’s generally accepted that a comfortable walking distance for most people is 400 metres. So, plans for increasing densification around existing centres should be limited to 400 metres from the midpoint of existing centres.

7. Southern Thornlands

The Southern Thornlands Integrated Employment Area was withdrawn from the urban footprint in 2010. Pressure from landholders for housing subdivision to be allowed should be ignored. Plans for development in this area should focus on strategic provision of community infrastructure (e.g. meeting Redlands deficit of sports facilities) and commercial and industrial facilities which might increase opportunities for employment in the Redlands.

8. Toondah Harbour

The environmentally destructive proposal to build luxury apartments on Ramsar wetlands will do little to assist the State Government in dealing with its current housing shortage. The Housing Strategy should disregard the Toondah Harbour proposal.

9. Planning Horizon

The current Redlands Planning Scheme (Redland City Plan 2018) already meets the Queensland State Government’s specifications for population growth to 2041; no further densification changes to our Planning Scheme are required, nor should further changes be made.

10. Releasing more land for housing is not the answer to affordability

Releasing more land for housing is not the answer to affordability
Releasing more and more land for housing has proven to be ineffective when it comes to housing affordability. Housing will continue to be unaffordable for most for as long as the Australian Federal Government pursues a ‘big Australia’ inward migration policy. With some 300,000 people expected to enter Australia at our invitation this year, and more in the same numbers to follow year after year, the housing crisis in Australia can only get worse and worse.

southern thornlands and the draft Redland Housing Strategy
The Southern Thornlands Potential Future Growth Area

Redlands2030 – 7 November 2023

Updated 12 November 2023 with inclusion of link to video showing showing areas where increased residential density would be allowed if the State Government’s Draft Redland Housing Strategy is adopted.

Please note: Offensive or off-topic comments will be deleted. If offended by any published comment please email thereporter@redlands2030.net

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