Redlands2030 appreciates the letters of our readers on wide-ranging topics and this week we are struck by the passion of writers and the depth of issues. Perhaps any one (or all) of these letters will prompt some in-depth response from fellow Redlanders.

Want to make your own point of view known, respond to one of our letter writers or send your own letter to

We greatly value our precious coastline

Letter to the Editor

The planned huge development at Toondah needs to be wanted by Redlanders who must consider the effects over 20 years on all living anywhere near this location.

A snap shot of the coast of Moreton Bay…areas like this are under threat from development, infrastructure, shipping, recreation uses, siltation and pollution

The residents on Cleveland Point and in surrounding streets leading there will face multiple truckloads traveling their leafy, quiet streets for many years. Do they comprehend this intrusion into their lives?

This massive work intruding into the Ramsar protected marine park will pollute the Bay with odour and noise for many years. 

The creatures of the Bay of course will suffer more than the humans on the land. Important too, the migratory birds deserve protection from such totally unnecessary development. Moreton Bay coastline has been wisely protected from such intrusion until now.

We greatly value this precious coastline and the land adjoining where wildlife flourishes. How can any intelligent person wish to ruin or destroy it?


“It’s the environment stupid!”

Dear Editor

In 1992, Bill Clinton in his campaign for the White House coined the maxim “It’s the economy stupid”. This has often been repeated by economists to stress the importance of the economy in getting politicians elected. Most recently this was used by Alan Kohler in his article “Scott Morrison should be thanking the heavens for the economy”, The News Daily 1 April 2021. 

After cyclone “Katrina” destroyed New Orleans, cyclones “Marcia” and “Yasi” destroyed homes in North Qld., after the bushfires in Eastern Australia, 2019-2020 and covid-19 global pandemic and economists and politicians still have not got the message. “It’s the environment stupid”. These events clearly show that if the environment is not suitable, you can’t have a functional economy. You can have a planet, but if the environment won’t support human life, then there can be no society and there can be no economy.

Society is necessary to create the demand for goods and services which are the basis of the economy. If there is no society, in our case, a human population there is no economy. For there to be a human population, there has to be an environment suitable for our survival. Even Genesis tell us that God spent 5 days creating the environment on earth before creating humans to live here. Thus, there is a clear hierarchical order. 

The environment creates the conditions suitable for a human population that uses goods and services from the environment to survive and prosper. Without the right environment, the economy can’t be sustained. So if you want a functional economy, “It’s the environment stupid!”


Victoria Point

Where have all the koalas gone?

Dear Redlands2030

As a long term resident of Redlanders Shire/ City I have time on my hands, time for reflection.

It is absolutely clear that the majority of the the city’s wildlife people do not realise that the government has been playing a game of deceit & deception in the charade it calls “Wildlife Protection”. The charade is kept up while at the same time they have maintained a minimilist approach to the real needs of wildlife preservation/ protection.

This charade is resulting in the extinction of species and the exemplar is the koala. While the present means by the wildlife people of addressing the problem are limited by so-called “Due Process”, the government just laps it up finds ways and means such that …it goes nowhere.

Where have the koalas gone?

Until we, the Wildlife Community, learn to call out Governments and politicians the problems wont be addressed. We need to regularly ask the questions, push and prod the elected officials, demand answers, and not accept the buck-passing so regularly used to hide action.

In the meantime ask over and over where have the koalas gone? Demand explicit answers regarding “What have you done? and What are you doing about it? Sadly more of the same will mean nothing will change.



More Letters To Redlands2030

Redlanders Ask Questions About Coastal Protection And Open Space.

Protection Of Coastal And Freshwater Wetlands

Mass Vaccination, Population Growth And Accountability

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