There’s been widespread community concern since the Federal Government’s announcement on Budget night that it would divest land in Birkdale which could be used for development of 400 homes.

Redland City Council, which has for many years wanted to buy the Birkdale Commonwealth lands, had been “blind sided” by the Government’s budget announcement said Mayor Karen Williams.

A petition, initiated by the Mayor and signed by about 6,000 people, wants the Federal Government to continue negotiations for Council to acquire this land without going to open market.

Comments posted by more than 400 petitioners express strong views about use of this land. There’s a few comments about universities and sporting activities and lots of dissatisfaction with overdevelopment in the Redlands. The weight of public opinion says the Commonwealth lands shouldn’t be developed for housing but instead kept as open space. A few examples:

  • There are more than enough houses in Birkdale. Destroying nature is terrible.
  • We don’t need more housing in this area. It will just put more strain on already busy roads and infrastructure.
  • There are already loads of housing developments being built in the Redlands and no new infrastructure to match it! Save the land for recreational use and protection for our diminishing wildlife!
  • I’m all for saving some land for our wildlife, particularly our koalas. Please don’t turn this into more housing!
  • We need to save this land as it’s a valuable, environmental asset that provides habitat for our unique koalas, for the Redlands and Queensland.

Petition for a community reference group

The Council says it wants this land for community use such as educational facilities, recreation uses, environmental corridors.

But can Redland City Council be trusted with such an asset?

This is the council which supports an environmentally destructive plan for 3,600 apartments to be built next to the Toondah Harbour ferry terminal.

It’s the council which secretively planned to sell off more than a dozen local parks for housing development in 2015, and is still selling off community owned car parks through a non-transparent property company (Redland Investment Corporation).

Then there’s the murky tale about electoral redistribution which resulted in the Birkdale Commonwealth lands and Howeston golf course containing just five voters being transferred from division 10 to division 9 at the behest of four councillors aligned to Mayor Karen Williams.

It’s a council which has not earned a high level of community trust.

The Council could give the community more confidence that it is acting in the public interest by establishing a Community Reference Group for the Birkdale Commonwealth Lands, including representatives of community organisations such as:

  • Birkdale Progress Association
  • Koala Action Group
  • National Trust of Queensland – Redlands Branch
  • Wildlife Queensland Bayside Branch
  • Redlands2030

Redlands2030 has initiated a petition asking Council to set up a community reference group.

It’s an old fashioned paper petition. You have to download and print the document. Then grab a pen and sign it and find more people to sign it.

Signed petition forms can be returned to Redlands2030 or handed in to any Council office.

Any questions, or requests for hard copies of the petition form can be sent to

Comments on the Birkdale Commonwealth land petition

Here’s what more than 400 people who have commented on the Mayor’s petition say about future use of the Commonwealth lands. What do you think?

Destruction of more of the environment just to make developers even richer is disgusting.
Community need these more than developers – affordable housing – what a lie.
A BANKER runs our C’wealth Govt. These, & Defence Blocks (they’re up for grabs too) are sacred, as they are the LUNGS of our communities. The BANKER will NEVER chase Google/Facebook/& our OWN TAX EVADERS cos he is tarred with the same brush.
It’s ridiculous there is that much development across Redlands now.. but not enough infrastructure support! Use the land wisely! Wait for current development plans to settle in and allow universities or infrastructure to utilise the plans as developed years ago in the future Redland city goals!!!!
Stop destroying the beautiful few big acreage blocks that are left now in the Redlands, by turning them all into concrete jungles …. Finucane Road in Alexandra Hills where I grew up, was a single dirt track when I was born & the entire road; on either side; had ONLY 1/2 acre or 1 full acre lots & so much bush to play in, miles of it- all gone now- tiny blocks on a 4 lane highway…. so sad …. NO MORE CONCRETE JUNGLES IN THE REDLANDS!!!!!! Thank you ….
This land should be used (if at all) for the better of the community and not for general housing.
This land has been ear marked as a university for years. What happened to that proposal.
I’m signing to support the use of this land for community use not housing development!
Far too much of our native animals habitat has been destroyed already. We must stop the destruction now!
400 houses are not needed but the community proposal of education faciities and environmental corridors are.
This sale is the federal Govt doing a “Mates Deal”. There is no need for the housing.
There are two main roads out of redlands and these are already congested without adding more housing. I believe an education facility would be a better use of the land and a great opportunity for the Redlands area. We need decentralised cities and push developmet in other areas. This will help to manage population growth. Over populated areas become less livable.
The Redlands region has been trashed by developers for decades.
We can’t afford to lose any more green spaces. It’s time to put the environment first!
I live near this area and we don’t need more housing, not enough infrastructure
I don’t think the Redlands needs more high density housing. This puts more pressure on our fragile threatened species and in our already straining infrastructure
I am a golfer and i need a place where i can be competitive and get away from my real world issues for s while
It matters.
Already too many houses / units! Need more open spaces / parklands
We do mot need any more housing estates in this area. The koala population is very fast declining and also the roads cannot take any more cars until some serious major roads are improved with extra lanes or more arterial roads are added. Council has got to put more thought into approving any more land for sale in this part of the city until it improves the road structure.
This golf course is important for our community. We need these open spaces for our enjoyment, sanity and respite from the stuggles and difficulties of the everyday.
Because the council has been negotiating for three years to buy this land for community use. I can’t see how building 400 houses will reduce housing affordability!!
Keep as green space please. Sporting fields parkland perhaps?
I think this would be a huge mistake as this would create a massive congestion of traffic and create many other problems as well.
Save some land for animals And a bit of nature here and there… dont destroy Australia with greed
All these houses need open space! Save this land for community use.
Howeston is an iconic Golf Club made available to the public by two iconic Redlands families. It must stay as it is to enable all to enjoy.
Protect the environment Savor some land Let people enjoy nature Greed has gone too far
It is not something i agree with
A university is a better long term use of the area.
That’s my local course play there once a week and lived in Redlands for the last 20yrs
Too much of the Redlands has been developed for housing keep our existing bushland for our kids and grandkids
Our roads can’t handle cars to service hundreds more houses-make this land available for community.
We don’t need the high density housing. The Birkdale Fodder Forest needs to stay. The trees are the lungs of the area – give us fresh clean air. Use the area as a park or an education facility for the Redlands community.
This is just the right thing to do.
There are enough housing around and why should it hinder a family business. If could be put to better use. Like something Redlands actually needs.
The area doesnt need more high density housing , the traffic in the redlands now is too congested
It is land that belongs to the Redlands and not to be used as a pawn by those in Canberra in a political game to retain Government in a election lead up.
This course is a Brisbane golfing institution and it would be a terrible waste to lose it!
Keep ya grubby hands of this fantastic golf cub and course
Looking at the area plan its obviously not going to be affordable housing and since the land is within such a wonderful green space it would probably fare the community far more as a recreational area.
this ridiculous…..the les trees the less wild life and the worst of all is less Oxygen….these greedy DEVELOPERS DONT CARE…
The land would be best left to regenerate – not more medium density housing.
NO just NO.. there is enough high density housing in the redlands.. The roads out of Redlands are crazy now never mind anther housing estate �
My preference is for community utilisation. I would like to see a facility for tertiary education, collaborative research, koala interactive tourism and an arboretum … we could have something magnificent for the whole community of Redlands and visitors… and give our people job and educational opportunities.
I grew up in Birkdale and every time I visit I always think there is too many houses and businesses – this community needs a corridor for all residents use – and the environment needs a break!
Ummm….new labor laws say no go on clearing this land, even if it was to grow our food….still no go
Im signing this partition because just because its Commonwealth land should not exclude it from Qld State planning and environment laws.
I believe the land needs to be public open space
Hypocritical – it’s not ok for landowners to manage their country for sustainability and production purposes but it’s a green light for turning the South East into a concrete plain…go figure!
NO just NO.. there is enough high density housing in the redlands.. Dam greedy government 🙁
Turn it into recreational land for the people.
There are more than enough houses in Birkdale. Destroying nature is terrible.
We need to keep some land. Destroying nature is unthinkable.
Once it’s gone, we can never get it back. We don’t need more housing in Birkdale.
We need to keep this land and no more houses.
Qld Mudgee pops up because we are with Harbour isp.
Too much development in the area. Habitat is precious & required for the health & wellbeing of the community.
More population destroys habitat and contributes to traffic and social congestion and climate change. Its wrong.
I support local government – not a federal proposal that hasn’t listened to the community
We need green spaces!
Of the blind hypocracy that exists between people out West & the ability of the “developer to clear large tracts of “rich” forest.
Considering the tree clearing laws this Government has jus passed the sale of this land is a slap in the face for farmers. Hypocrites!!
If farmers can’t clear remnant vegetation for food production how can developers clear it for houses.
Near urban remnant ecosystems in public ownership are the last refuge for accessible biodiversity and must not be sold for development.
There is too much building going on in the Redlands and we need to keep some land free for wildlife
This development does not make sense and the land should not be used for this.
Why is Koala habitat being cleared when the Koala population is in free fall and the Koala is listed as Vunerable?????
We need these green corridors! For the health of people, flora and fauna.
I support the Mayor’s reasons for the use of this land .
This amount parcel of land needs to be retained to provide natural corridors for our native animals.
Redland city is already overly congested . We dont need another 400 houses and two cars that go with each house
We need more open space parland not 400 houses
Keep the land as a either a open space for all to enjoy or if going to be used for educational purposes ensure that a green space is open land.
No housing, community infrastructure such as tafe, uni needed.
Fix the roads before putting more traffic on the roads that still can’t handle the traffic that’s on the roads now. Let alone the house that get demolished and units or apartment buildings that use to have only one or two cars there… Read more
Keep the koala corridor and green spaces.
Because it is public land not government land not for them to sell to remain bush reserve.
We have enough concrete jungles all over Australia.
It needs to stop 
There is already too much medium and high density housing in Redlands. NO MORE
Government does not need to wreck this rare environmental habit for our wildlife while pretending to care for the koalas and wildlife in the Redlands. Leave it alone and as is!
I think we need to keep nature reserves. Growing up in the Redlands I used to see a lot of wild life but now that is becoming less and less common.
We need to save our fauna & flora for our next generation
I believe that we need to look after our children’s future interest and not allow the govt.’s cash grab with the possibility of yet another large part of Australia being sold off to foreigners to help their interests.
We need to keep SOME land for trees and nature!
If we get rid of the koalas then what are going to put on our tourism ads for the us and uk?
we need more royal commisions into local government corruption
400 houses is over crowding
Koala Habitat in Redlands IS CRITICAL- Sustainable development is the Birkdale future university.. NOT MORE HOUSING!!! LNP… will not be voting for you this election!
I don’t agree with the Federal Government ignoring Redland Council
This land shouldn’t be made into housing. The Redlands doesn’t have the infrastructure to have 400 more houses!
Lamington first the busy roundabout on Cleveland, now this, what’s next?
So sick of Bush land and areas earmarked as green buffers for Brisbane being subdivided in an adhoc manner. What happens to our wildlife? What is the cost benefit to them?
Critical koala habitat and riparian corridor.
with ever increasing housing density a well planned green space is more important than ever
I want to retain bushland for the area
This petition must get all the support to ensure the council gets control to prevent the further degradation of Redland City and its natural heritage.
Lemming has no right to this land. Goat lady left it to be treated as a nature reserve and if anything should be cleaned up for parkland
Redlands is known for its koalas. There are so few left, If we keep going like this there won’t be any left. Keep the beautiful area it is and the wildlife in it
Our communities mental and physical health depends upon open spaces set aside for future recreation and environmental protection. Short term monetary gain will destroy a natural habitar, resupting in long term Pain for surrounding residents, and their offspring. .
We are losing all our land for the animals. Sin ce I moved down from Norman Pk 24 years ago, most of the farms in the area are gone we had Koalas in our back yard they are gone and we had Peacocks come into our yard now they are gone. Leave the area alone.
Enough land loss in this state. Koalas and kangaroos have been drive out.
Stop this madness we need to protect our wildlife.
Housing around hubs and with access to facilities is better than loss of clear land. This is much better served as bushland or community land!
We need to keep trees not add more housing.
This is wrong and typical of the sneaky, underhanded Liberal government.
The Redlands does not need more cheap housing. It needs nature corridors and infrastructure.
There is not the infrastructure in the redlands to support the current population. Public transport is minimal and unreliable and the roads are overburdened now. Every time a house gets knocked down there are 3 built in it’s place. Develop roads, transport first
We need the land we have enough houses
I don’t believe it should go ahead
Please Government – STOP killing our Koalas & the environment. We need to stop immigration so that we have a balance of people & wildlife in our lands.
Don’t want the area developed…
This is a travesty for the Redlands wildlife, environment. Community is far more than houses…it is the environment.
Not in the public interest
Enough is enough! This land is crucial, if we don’t stop now there will be nothing left. A bit of forward thinking come on! Our kids and their kids and the wildlife of this area, the endangered species, the plants, the animals, they all need this, we need this right now. Our mental health relies on nature. Our respiratory health relies directly on nature. Don’t let this go, if you do you will look back one day with regret…
The land be used for a University. That has always been the plan for more that 20 years here in the Redlands.
Nicely written, just how I feel as well. I’m kinda leaning towards a park type of area where our kids can enjoy nature instead of housing
We need to save our wildlife if u take away the trees and stuff they will die
Stop destroying our bushland to unsustainable development
The is no transport infrastructure to support another 400 families into this area let alone the environmental destruction that can’t be reversed critical for critical endangered species! There are much better uses for this land. Listen to the local community!
We need more conservation areas for wildlife
The Palaszczuk government just passed land clearing laws that stop farmers cutting mulga scrub to feed starving livestock … then she dies this ! What an absolute hypocrite the Queensland excuse for a Premier is. Disgusted!
We need to protect our green heritage spaces.
They’re hell bent on killing off “protected wildlife” … A blue Koala for the Commonwealth Games. What a joke. We’ve got to save our precious Koala and wildlife habitats here!
We dont need more houses, we need a parkland like other areas have that caters for children and adults and community groups.
Save the green land
Why! The Redlands needs more outdoor spaces, not more traffic jams. Concentrate on the main arterials in and out of Redlands. The roads can’t cope as it is. We don’t need houses here.. we have had massive growth in this area already! ISPs can’t provide, Schools are bursting, not enough jobs for our kids, mosquitos and midges are a major hindrance to the current populace. Packed outdoor spaces for families to enjoy. The list goes on. Stop destroying this area and spend the money on fixing this great area before increasing the problems. Bunch of bafoons!!
Redlands has lack of infrastructure to support this. Rickert road must be fixed and expanded first. New parklands for families snd children would be great
An educational facility would be of better use – the road is busy enough we don’t need more homes
The drive into Brisbane during peak hour is horrendous already.
Roads into and out of the Redlands already exceed capacity at peak hours. Greater housing before infrastructure upgrade is the last thing we need. How about using it for something that families can enjoy/utilise.
We need to preserve out commonwealth land for future generations.
Too many landholders are destoying native animal habitat.
It is in the best interest for a generation to be surrounded by natural habitat. Hypocrisy at its best here. Conservation is what is promoted however the almighty dollar is obviously your front.
I don’t think Brisbane can afford to develop all its treed land. We beed to have swathes of land undeveloped.
We are getting squeezed in as it is – plus what about our beautiful koalas  mow it down no habitat or food only after the $$$ 
I’m singing this petition to help protect essential koala habitat in the coomera region. The population have been severley affected from fragmentation of habitat from greedy developers. I want a future with koalas.
Roads into Brisbane from the Redlands already exceed capacity at peak hours. Greater housing before infrastructure upgrade is the last thing we need. Redlands also provides areas of parkland and reserve that more built up suburbs don’t.
I’m signing as I don’t want anymore housing developments. Greed developers are destroying our city.
F**k town houses
This land should not be sold to developers it should be protected for wildlife corridor and public use
I am signing because the trees need to stay . After what the Premier has done to the RURAL PRODUCERS stopping them feeding their cattle/sheep with mulga is abominable. NO houses on this land.
You are turning Australian into a concrete jungle Fat cat builders no wildlife left soon.
We won.t have any vacant land left..Enough is enough..
We need more trees to survive not housing.
Enough with the houses! The families that are already jammed in the Redlands need facilities
This is a historic World War 2 site which hasn’t changed much since the war. It needs preserving for the future generations as open space parkland. It has proven links with General McArthur.
I believe that our wildlife corridors and trees, yes people, trees need to be saved. Concrete jungles build tension and anxiety that this area of green can stave away. Community centres that are sympathetic to the environment are to be encouraged and things like neighbourhood green spaces are essential. Build your new housing(which will not necessarily be more affordable) above railway lines and buy up old homes on large blocks and subdivide the block. (I am talking about homes that are not of heritage value).
Extinction is forever.
This land is acting as an environmental buffer. It should stay that way.
This petition needs to be signed by as many Redland residents don’t let the government steal more of our land
There has been too much land being stolen from our native flora &fauna. Another 400 houses means at least another 1000people ,acquire land out west that’s where more people are v needed
We don’t need more houses here. Use facilities for the community
I would rather see this land kept for environmental purposes.
Wildlife need a home too!!
It is really disgusting that a University campus was not allowed in this area but the Government is considering selling it to Developers…the power of the money, to be polite and not saying something less palatable.
The council have already “removed” just about all of our Koalas and their habitat. The council go on and on about protecting them but here they are wanting to destroy more of their trees and forest. As a Redlander, I do protect and respect our Koalas and would love to see them around in many years to come. If council decide to develop this land then we can kiss goodbye to any surviving Koalas in the wild. Their habitat will be destroyed, they will be hit by cars, the repercussions will be endless. Leave it alone, go else where. I’m disgusted!!
Council is trying to acquire this land from the Federal Government to prevent it from being developed into 400 house lots.
I’m signing this because just about all land in Redlands has been swallowed up for houses, too many people and not enough wild life .. Keep this land for recreation, educational and environmental corridors PLEASE !!!!!!
Please stop selling our land to developer and trying to hide it. Same me get the ng a big fat payout
Development needs to be more sustainable, and done without removing more native habitat. It’s not just about the koala!
We desperately need this land preserved as crucial habitat for an enormous array of species, including our endagered koala population. People move to the Redlands for its natural beauty, but it is being literally demolished by morally-bankrupt developers. Please, please no more. My heart can’t take it. In addition, we do not have adequate infrastructure, transport or job opportunities for the current Redlands population, let alone enough to support further population increases.
We need to retain our green belt areas. No more mass housing destroying our suburbs just to make a developer wealthy & not considering the long term consequences.
A morally vacant federal member, in a morally corrupt and vacuous excuse of a government. Just leave one of the last pieces of bushland in the Redlands alone, or make sure you take down the Koala Warning signs.
Stop being a dumb government
It may not be widely known but during WW2 this site was a a vital link from General Macarthur back to the USA. It has been reported that during the darkest days off WW2 he slept in the building at night for a period of time just in case the land lines between Capalaba and the City were knocked out. The brick building at Capalaba is one very few brick buildings built in Queensland by the USA. In my opinion this is a historic site.
We do not have the infrastructure to support this.
Don’t sell off all the Redlands for high density housing
There has been far to much land clearing. Wildlife is suffering we don’t need to be clearing all this bush land its criminal.
Leave the remaining floodplains to perform their natural and necessary function to attenuate water in storm events for the safety of all residents. What do disaster management principles and risk assessments state??
Don’t do it
Because I have lived in the Redlands for over 60 years and what has happened with these ugly housing developments is appalling and we certainly don’t need any more of them.
It’s bad enough that the old farms are selling out to developers and now the government wants to jump in the same boat! We moved to the redlands for the park lands and lower density living. Please keep this as bushland or even recreational use!
Why not cooperate with the local council for community purposes?
Please stop depleting koala habitats. Build housing somewhere else and preserve this land for wildlife
No more traffic needed at the old Cleveland Rd intersection due to tiny lot houses
The land needs to be kept for local flora & fauna
We have to stop the urban sprawl. While teaching in China, I educated the Chinese on our magnificent wildlife, the number of species outstrip the number of our population, & which are indigenous to Australia: since China is mostly devoid of wildlife thanks to the Cultural Revolution when they were forced to eat most of their wildlife to survive. Tourist come to this country to see our wildlife & all we want to do is replace it with housing. What other countries want to destroy animals that appear on their coat of arms, not to mention our national icon, the koala. It doesn’t make sense.
Protect koalas. There must be more appropriate places for human houses!
Leave it for the koalas ya grubs
Already too much housing/apartment development in Redland City. Supporting infrastucture is totally inadequate.
We need to preserve habitat for wildlife for the future. Extinction is forever.
This decision does not honour the current agreement.
This is the last thing we need in the redlands! Another 400 houses NOWAY! Save the bushland and stop building! Maybe upgrade or roads, public transport, schools and hospital before building a whole new suburb!
I grew up in the area and feel strongly about this issue
We need more education facilities and recreational facilities in our Birkdale not homes.
save the animals
Too many houses in the Redlands already, not enough infrastructure to handle the population. Traffic in the Redlands is a joke now – no more houses!
This should be for the community – without a strong community you have nothing!
I grew up in the area and have now returned to raise my kids here. I’d love for them to grow up experiencing Koala’s in their natural habitat not in some zoo!
We have endangered koalas in south east Queensland and here you wanna sell more land to people who continually make more money then the people owning those homes they’re selling
This is bushland that must be conserved.
I think the Redlands has lost its old school touch with to much housing and we need more recreational areas
I love not far from here I and I don’t want further road congestion
bulldozing this last Bushland in Birkdale is unacceptable. This needs to be for conservation and community use
The animals are more important than more houses gready government
This is dogging the koalas
There’s been enough bushland pushed over for housing in this area. When I grew in birkdale area it was mostly bush land and farms. It’s definitely not the place I once called home anymore
We need to preserve this land for the environment. no sneaky deals please!
I feel this land could be used more for the overall community, ie parks, education facility, leisure facility for our ever growing population need to build adequate infrastructure to support it’s people.
We need this land for the koalas. They are disappearing from the Redlands because we keep putting up houses in their habitats. Let the locals decide what is good for the land, rather than someone from Canberra. Go Wendy!
For someone who has been living in birkdale for over 10 yrsrs, there is no way our small part of the Redlands would cope with more houses!! And the roads and traffic are already bad enough as it is
Require more facilities that will promote work opportunities to keep the current residents employed in Redlands rather than traveling to Brisbane for creates work and education as well as sport opportunity
There’s no way the Redlands can handle this many more houses traffic is fucked already
The redlands road infrastructure cannot support this extra population. It is already under stress
We need green corridors, its not always about money.
There is plenty of othwr land for housing.
Too much development is not sustainable.
a university is better
Best to leave it as a nature park
Tired of having so many houses built on top of each other
Beth Harris
I live around the corner and I have always understood this land was to be for community, a University was one idea. 400 houses is not on! Beautiful land just used to make money and break promises!!!
This is wrong it is a wetland
Green space is absolutely essential for human well-being and the protection of our wildlife through preservation of habitat. In addition, RCC development practices, without sustainable resource provision, is unacceptable and irresponsible leadership.
We all need somewhere where we can still breath
Money grabbing that’s all it is.
The world needs more trees and nature reserves. Our survival on this planet depends on it. As do all the amazing animals that live there. Stop chasing the imaginary dollar and start caring about the very real environment.
Protect the environment and keep this amazing piece of land!
The Birkdale lands presents a huge opportunity for community interest.
Land clearing must be ok for some….
Get the roads right first And the public transport Show us where and how the schools in the area will handle the extra people. Then we can accept it
I’m a local who will be adversely affected
Where the hell is the extra traffic going to go?
We need to stop the over urbanisation of our beautiful city.
We need to protect our wild life, koala’s are a dying breed and we need to protect them. Stop killing the wild life for a few damn houses. 
Too much of our natural environment is being lost to development
I don’t want this land turned into a huge housing estate the our roads, already at capacity, won’t be able to handle. Crazy
Koalas lives there!
This land is too significant and we don’t want 400 houses that’s just not on. Let’s stop this!
Just listening to a report tonight on the abysmal record of Australia and Queensland in general in terms of the poor they’ve approved in the name of housing affordability. This area used to boast great numbers of koalas and and a great semi rural lifestyle but now just contributes to road kill, traffic congestion
What about the koala’s? Leave the land alone! At this rate there will be nothing left for future generations except for concrete wastelands! And as if 400 houses are going to benefit housing affordability! What rot!
Developer greed is.literally destroying the lungs of this country. Reducing property price pressure? I think not as they’ll sell as high as they can.
Because it’s criminal!
We need to keep the bushland and have more recreational areas, not selling the land (a money grab needed due to reducing the taxes of the governments big business mates) for more houses!
We need green spaces not more houses
I’m signing because Redland City needs to stop bulldozing all available space for human dwellings! Leave green space. Leave the native flora & fauna a place to live. No more land clearing.
Enviromental terrorists.
because surely there is less environmentally valuable land to develop.
This is an important koala corridor
Firstly, What happens to our wildlife? Secondly, there is no infrastructure to support this. We don’t need a concrete jungle, we need trees and green corridors to help us breathe not a concrete jungle or houses so packed in that they can reach out a window and touch their neighbors….
we need public spaces
Clearing of bushland MUST stop!!! This is all about money grabbing & people lining other people’s pockets 
I would like to see the Birkdale land used for education and environmental preservation. A place for families to enjoy and community
I’m sick of good land for our native flora and fauna to thrive on being mowed down so that people can live with their elbows touching in shitty little dogboxes housing estates!!
It’s the last remaining tract of parkland in the northern Redland. No one has spoken of the creek damage that would result from proposed works would be massive.
This land has always been there as a natural reserve, this development push is insane and pushing the Redlands to a dark future of compacted, noisy, clostrophobic living, this is not the Redlands I know. Redlands is beautiful, free and clean. We embrace our beaches, forest land and suburbs, not high density housing commissions! And for futures sake do something about the Koalas… that is where the money should be going.
Education facility similar to QUT gardens point university botanical gardens would be perfect. We need good educational facilities for the next generation.
I have plenty of memories there growing up there and it should be left for our future generations to enjoy !
We need to conserve as much habitat as possible and this is much needed green space and koala reserve! Why do we have to develop every available area. The Redlands is being destroyed by development.
We have the inalienable obligation to protect and preserve as much of our remaining natural habitat and ecosystems as we can rather than simply continuing to accept wholesale land clearing for the benefit of commercial interests. Our legacy MUST be much more than the same old same old. Blindly accepting my hat more habitat destruction will ‘solve’ housing market demands is incontrovertibly unsustainable, unless we hide from our obligation to future generations and are content to leave behind a Brisbane/Queensland/Australia that has no green heart or ecological vitality and resembles the soulless, bleak urban sardine-can-like environments that we see in some places overseas.
We need this land for our native koala population! No more developments in this area!
Please, no, this land must be used sensitively! There is such history connected to it. DO NOT use it for more houses!!
I’ve lived in Birkdale nearly my whole life and I would hate to see the goat ladies property be sold for housing. The Redlands is already struggling with the existing infrastructure and with the amount of development already going on. I would reall hate if this went ahead
We need more reserves desperately.
This land is essential for our wildlife.
There is enough housing. We need more parks
Destroying another green area in the Redlands – enough is enough!!
Absolutely not! It just goes to show that the developers & council are in each other’s pockets ! What a joke.
There is too much growth and development in the Redlands. Some land must be preserved for wildlife and future generations!
Too much over-developement in Redlands already ! Eg “Waterline” & “Esperance”all crammed in on tiny blocks ! Higher Education facility was promoted when I moved to this beautiful area fifteen years ago !
We need sites like this for educational facilities.
Would prefer to see improvements for existing residents.
This won’t be just 400 houses , they fitted 400 units on a 10 acre block in Thorneside without any greenspace for the residents, and this land is bigger than 10 acres so calculate that .They ( Our Federal Representative) has thrown that in the ring to steer our attention away from Toondah Harbour development , Surely he can’t think we are that dumb ! Our resolve is stronger than that and we will fight this deception
Too much housing in the Redlands already
Disgusted that I even have to sign this … for Heaven’s sake!
It’s liberal
We do not need another 400 houses. It is also a well known koala corridor and we need to keep it from housing to save our koalas and the environnent. There is far too much land being developed by developers in the Redlands without any infrastructure.
this land would be better used for community based reasons. Not high density dwellings
The roads am amenities cant handle what houses are built there now. So lets go build another 400 houses on top of each other. Not!
Please leave the trees for the wildlife to survive.
We don’t need more housing in this area. It will just put more strain on already busy roads and infrastructure.
Don’t pave our paradise!! Keep Australia green and beautiful.
Enough development in the Redlands. The place is out of control. Cramp living conditions increasing traffic congestion.
I am saying no to this!!! Do not pave our paradise. Keep Australia green and beautiful!
We dont need more concrete or more ticky tacky boxy houses.
There is more than enough housing going up all over the Redlands
I am tired of Commonwealth land being used as a disposable asset to fund the budget AND the land would be better used as green space in this shire that is rapidly becoming over developed.
A future education/nature corridor is more important for the quality of life for my children than more coffin box housing. There is a glut of new units that are empty-no more!
The opportunity to preserve this large parcel of government land for future uses is essential for a well reasoned approach to its development. To simply sell it off for further residential estates fails to take a “whole of community” approach. A parcel of land this size is rare & its potential to serve more than the relatively few who would live there is far more important.
As one of the few remaining vast green areas in the urban sprawl of Redlands it must be teeming with wildlife. Not to mention it represents an earlier time before mass settlement. Even just for its visual panoramic beauty…please don’t build on it!
It is high time governments at all levels stopped permitting the destruction of the last few large tracts of land in the Redlands to residential development, this land should stay open space for all sorts of community and environmental benefit.
I’d like to see this land used to generate on going employment and used to benefit the whole community.
I hate development in our beautiful quiet Redlands, I’ll sign this, but it’s a real shame about Redland Bay being destroyed. Why the petition for Birkdale but full steam ahead for Thornlands and Redland Bay? I hate it.
Too many houses in the Redlands and a more appropriate plan for education would be better.
This should be used as community/recreational land, not for housing.
this is at the end of my street and I pass that spot daily. This road is busy enough without another 400 lots of cars added to this congestion. we need open space and trees not bricks and small lot housing.
I don’t believe this will serve any long term town planning when you look at the current developments that have been undertaken in the area over the past 10 yrs. at some time we must say enough is enough. Our infestructure include road networks are not coping now.
This land needs to be used as the mayor has stated recreation area
This land must be preserved for wildlife including any koala populations. The destruction of habitat within the Redlands must not continue
leave the land alone,how many more NEW homes do the Asian need
We need this park land for future generations to enjoy. Keep the developers away.
Save the bush! Animals need homes too
Wildlife need somewhere to live too. That land has been there since I can remember. Please don’t destroy that too. Australia is huge. Spread out instead of over crowding these small suburbs!
I’m all for saving some land for our wildlife, particularly our koalas. Please don’t turn this into more housing!
Do the Govt land clearing laws only apply to farmers?. Stop destroying the environment and our native animals homes
Environmental protection stop the destruction of the eco system for financial greed
Not enough infrastructure to support another development.
Commonwealth land should go to the community. At least to an open tender if being sold to private enterprise.
This is an important Koala haven
I live in Birkdale and there’s too little infrastructure to support this development. Not to mention it is a wildlife refuge and koala corridor (our council’s emblem!). This is a terrible idea and not supported by the residents one iota!
The government should be doing everything in its power to protect our environment! This is a well known koala hotspot and is necessary for the ongoing balance of ecology in the region!
Our infrastructure can’t cope as it is! Leave the land for parklands
Ruining environment for short term gain…road infrastructure not able to handle it
I don’t understand destroying beautiful land to make way for more concrete.
We need to keep our green spaces
I believe this land should be put to better use than housing.
I love animals
There are already loads of housing developments being built in the Redlands and no new infrastructure to match it! Save the land for recreational use and protection for our diminishing wildlife!
I’m the voice of our wildlife. The land there is home to Australian wildlife… we need that land to be conserved.
The land should be used for a university or a well needed hospital. Stop people having to drive to the city for university not houses causing more traffic on our already burdened roads
Only the greedy federal Government could try and steal land from the Redlands , just not good enough
There are already great plans for this land that benefits the community
This land should not be for housing. Either leave it as is, or build a university there.
Gee….wonder why Koalas are scarce in the Redlands 🙁
I belive this land should be preserved .we have lost to many farms and bushlands to housing plus it would make a lot of congestion with extra traffice in that area
Time and time again we see that Koalas are being forced out of their natural home and habitat in the Redlands area. PLEASE …. We have more than enough land and homes already. Can we please protect our beautiful, innocent, defenceless wildlife.
Enough traffic on roads into and out of the redlands
Redlands is overcrowded as it is, with no thought to infrastructure.
What about our tree clearing laws, this is wrong on many levels
Because this land should be returned to the people.
This area is valusblefor the community and the environment and should never be developed
The Redlands cannot cope with another 400+ residents in this already compact area. The government can’t even fund road upgrades to deal with the current congestion issues. This will be death to the Redlands.
This land should be protected and left outside the urban area.
I’d hate to see this land sold off by the Federal Government to developers before the community of Redlands has a chance to explore the opportunities that may better benefit the wider community.
The land would not serve Redland City well as more housing! We need to conserve this land.
Because this land has long been held as community land for educational, recreation purposes and an important koala and other native species environmental corridor.
We need more parks and recreation spaces. not more houses with no yards for growing families to enjoy…. kill two brids with one stone…. create more parks and recreation areas and help fight the childhood obesity epidemic!!!!
We don’t need anymore housing around We do need another University especially for Vetenary Studies
Should be a University or leave as bush land.
I’m signing because our local council have been negotiating with the Commonwealth to acquire this heritage land for community purposes for many years. To just sell it off for cheap housing without any consultation is a slap in the face to our community. The Redlands is expanding at a meteoric rate and services and facilities are not keeping up with the population push here as it is. To earmark this important land for more residential development will be detrimental to our community. I know that homelessness is on the increase and service groups such as Night Ninjas are stretched beyond their capacity to provide for the needs of these people, but surely housing needs an be met in consultation with both councils and the local service providers- they have a more accurate understanding of what is needed most urgently.
How could they develop this land. Look at all the trees on it. How could they allow the developers to go in and take trees out so they can build houses when the Qld govt have just nailed farmers to their trees by severely restricting management of thickening vegetation or not allowing farm land to be developed further to increase production… Can’t have 1 law for the farmers and let the developers and govt do what they want.
ITS BULLSHIT, Shouldnt be happening!!!!
Listen to the people that pay your wages, it’s not wanted or viable !
We need space land there is too much high density housing in the Redlands now.
This land should be for open space and education
Education, recreation and environment have been overidden without consideration of the vital needs of the community and local ecology.
The Federal Government cannot have this rare piece of bush land. We once were surrounded by the beauty of nature. Slowly it’s disappearing and we will end up being a concrete jungle… ☹️ Let our beautiful City of Redlands remain beautiful for all the good reasons. We don’t need more houses or people here to destroy our land. Keep the Redlands Green and Beautiful! 4159 Represent!!! ☀♥
It should be used for recreation uses, educational facilities not housing.
We need to keep this land for recreation not housing
we have lost far too much habitat to housing already. Stop the urban sprawl and profit seeking developers
My father Peter Oliveri worked in this facility post war and dearly wished it to be preserved as an historical site there is already too much housing in the Redlands City this council seems to be determined to make the area unliveable with too much development. I’m wondering if they are as corrupt as other councils have proven to be!
There isn’t enough infrastructure in the Redlands to cope with the already enormous drain other developments are causing
This is about saving our bush lands for our animals. Land developers are too greedy
Laming doesn’t care about bush animals cause they don’t vote… sell off your own backyard laming to small slum housing developers!
Roads in and out of the Redlands will not cope with this sell off to land developers. Also this is a significant wildlife area and should be left alone.
I care about our bushlands. Stop relocating our beautiful animals to build more houses for our community
Community Meeting to Discuss 2pm Sunday 20 May Mooroondu Sport & Recreation Hall Mooroondu Road, Thorneside The site has irreplaceable ecological & heritage significance. Do you believe these values need to be assessed, mapped & managed? The community values on this site need to be thoroughly established and mapped prior to any decisions about future land use. Your voice is critical.
It should be parkland, no more houses and especially units
We need to save this land as it’s a valuable, environmental asset that provides habitat for our unique koalas, for the Redlands and Queensland.
They really want to kill off SE Qld Koalas , don’t they.
Cause they don’t vote or pay taxes..
We need to conserve our land for the wild life that is critical to our environment.
Far better possibilities than more housing.
Greedy Councils and their Developer Mates
I believe it is an LNP political stunt.
Leave this space for remaining wildlife that is left in the redlands! A university is definitely a no go! Leave it as it is. The government/associates have done enough damage. Clean up the housing you have already in the area.
Surely the local council is in the best position to decide the best use of the land. Jamming more house and families in with inadequate access to community facilities and services is in no ones interest. Where do developer donations sit in regards the Commoneealth decision.
Redlands is gettinf destroyed
So many community organisations could use this land to provide the community with a range of supports in education.
Council has officially stated this morning Redlands has filled its quota of housing. We certainly can’t withstand another mass housing development.
Cannot see the sense in it at all. Leave this land alone, we don’t need more housing in this area
It is poor planning to allow such a development in that area. Is there a donor somewhere in there ? Infrastructure in place or have we learned nothing?
We don’t need more houses in this area. Will be well suited for community use.
This land belongs to & remains within the Redlands community. This should not be further developed. Redlands infrastructure is not catering for the current population
A university would be great in the area, transport is close by…working towards marine sciences, close to the bay.
We as a community need to preserve more of our valuable green spaces. For the Wildlife as well as the mental and physical health of the residents. It’s a necessity to have these green spaces, rather than high volumes of housing.
The Commonwealth Government rides roughshod over the Redlands Community, ignoring it’s wishes to retain the land for educational or community purposes. we don’t need or want another massive housing estate.
We have enough housing development in the Redlands. This land needs to be preserved to maintain what makes the Redlands a beautiful place to live.
To cover this land with houses is a total waste of the opportunity to do something of value. Once it’s done there will be no chance of gaining some thing significant for the community but somebody will make a lot of money I wonder who!
We need more green space and wildlife corridors in the Redlands not less.
Before cramming more residents into the Redlands, let’s look after the ones we already have.
This land would be better used for the community
Over population is happening in the Redlands already!! Enough is enough!!
We need to think about our resources Road Infastructure won’t deal with these numbers. Water supplies will hurt. Heave some land in the south east. So many people move hear for the fact it wasn’t over crowded. My family are considering moving out and many others are talking about it. Blocks should not be allowed under 600sqm in SE
Far more possibilities.
The last thing we need in our area is more housing estates. There is no need and this will be a missed opportunity to use the land for purposes that will benefit the Redlands as a community.
There is little infrastructure to support 400 houses – this land needs to provide some green value space to the development surrounding it and provide recreation values to the community. Specific buildings such as universities, museums, could be built on such blocks of lamd!!
Enough! We have all the new housing we need now.
The last thing our area needs is more housing estates. Rather this land could be developed to benefit the Redlands community as a whole.
The government is just selling off land for monetary purposes regardless of the impact on local residents, lack of infrastructure to cope and the future of our region . Shame on them . Small housing blocks are killing our Australian way of life , industries will fail due to lack of properties to accommodate, Home handy man sheds, caravans, trailers, boats , this will create more unemployment. Does no one in government have any foresight on this issue brrrrrrrrrrtt
Needs to be protected for future generations and green space
The Redlands is a unique area with abundant flora and fauna. The development will be yet another nail in the coffin for this area, the residents and lifestyle.
Parks and wildlife, not concrete and dust. Redland City knows what it needs and how it needs it. Not State/Federal.
we need to fight for this land as a community and regardless of whatever our thoughts are on our Council and it’s development stance we NEED this land for green open space to be shared by ALL of the residents. We need to support the Council on this one.
More houses – less liveavbility!
The Redlands is diminishing. Native animals are disappearing. The roads can’t cope with the traffic the way it is without more stress and neither can thw public transport or the car spaces for the cars at stations etc, they are spilling into all the connecting streets.
We need to maintain a balance I tne Community. Between intense housing an$ 5he environment
We need to think about what we use this land for as a community
Because the land should be made into community space
We have had massive urban sprawl to this once lovely shire. We need community facilities to catch up, and green corridors for our wildlife.
This land should be set aside for community parkland. Redlands doesn’t have the infrastructure for a 400 homes development.
I love green space in urban settings – essential for our wellbeing
Councils should be ashamed of what they have done to the Redlands.
I support council’s efforts to bring this land into local community ownership for the development of facilities such as recreation, education and open space with the option of development of student accomodation.
Enough is enough
We need to protect this bushland from excessive development and redlands needs more council managed recreational areas.
I’m signing because this council is out of control and needs to be stopped from developing further, especially without any infrastructure in place. The beautiful Redlands is becoming a concrete jungle at the expense of flora and fauna. Greed… utter greed 
There is more than enough land for housing in the Redlands and the proposed use by the Council is desparately needed.
We don’t need any more developments
we need to keep this as it is
The Redlands is already populated enough without needing to add 400 more families. Keep the land as is.
To sell this land to developers to create more urban sprawl is a lost opportunity for the local Redlands and broader community. Please support.
There is not enough infrastructure in the redlands now to support the population.
We need more trees and fewer houses in Redlands
This is too important to let be turned into another concrete jungle. Maybe it’s amoth case of Council that should be turned over to the ACCC
Let the community share this iconic parcel of land for green space and recreational activities. Developers get enough free kicks, leave this area for the kids to have a few free kicks instead.
Laming has double crossed everyone in this case.
This land is too important to residents to secretly sell it off to developers. It’s a valuable piece of land with endless (better) opportunities.

If you want to have your say, send an email to:

  • Redland City councillors
  • Federal Assistant Treasurer cc
  • Don Brown the State MP for Capalaba

Redlands2030 – 26 May 2018

One Comment

Jason B, May 26, 2018

Council might look to adding value not $$$ returns, should it get hold of the land.

A good option to examine is Sydney City Farm

There web sites blog goes on to say “City farms are being set up throughout Australia and the world, as people want to learn more about their food and the connections between paddock and plate.

Sydney City Farm is an urban agriculture project nurtured by the City of Sydney in Sydney Park. It’s a place to learn about urban agriculture and sustainable food production.

The farm’s community hub and cropping area was officially opened in 2017 . An orchard and other facilities will follow.

We plan on holding community events, workshops and farmers’ markets with plenty of opportunities to be involved at the community hub.

We’ll be growing fresh seasonal produce at the cropping area, connecting the city with the country and minimising waste while using organic growing principles.

Education is an important part of our social enterprise model, with income helping support our urban agriculture ventures.

Take part in small group horticulture and food production workshops, enjoy a hands-on session with industry experts, or learn about sustainability in our series of talks. Booking terms and conditions.

Sydney City Farm is a place for food production, community participation, education, innovation and collaboration.

You can volunteer at the farm, for education programs and events. When you volunteer you’ll have the opportunity to do interesting and rewarding work, learn new skills and interact with others who share similar interests.”

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