Topic 9 of 9 - An efficient and effective organisation

Topic 9 of 9 – An efficient and effective organisation

Has Redland City Council delivered on its 2010- 2015 Corporate Plan strategies?

The Redlands Community can assess the Council’s performance for each of the Corporate Plan’s nine delivery areas using report cards on the Redlands2030 website.

More information about the five year Corporate Plan and the long term Community Plan is available here

This is card 9/9  An efficient and effective organisation

Give a mark for each Strategy and/or Community Priority you consider important.

  • BLANK       –  Leave BLANK if NOT considered IMPORTANT Strategy or Community Priority
  • High pass – Council has exceeded delivery of Strategy, strongly upheld Community Priority
  • Low pass – Council has progressed delivery of Strategy, attempted to uphold Community Priority
  • Not Sure  –  Strategy or Community Priority is considered important but UNCERTAIN if anything has been done.
  • FAIL          – Council has FAILED to deliver on Strategy, NOT upheld Community Priority

Click the  below SUBMIT BUTTON when finished. Thankyou for your participation.

RCC Corporate Plan Delivery 9/9 – An efficient and effective organisation

Desired Outcome for 2015 – Council is well respected and seen as an excellent organisation which manages resources in an efficient and effective way.

Strategies that RCC will deliver 2010-2015
9.1 Deliver excellent leadership throughout the organization for the benefit of the community

9.2 Recruit and retain high quality staff and promote the organisation as an employer of choice

9.3 Actively promote diversity in the workforce and ensure flexibility is incorporated into work practices to support staff in achieving a healthy work-life balance

9.4 Provide a safe place for staff to work in and support the health and wellbeing of our people.

Our finances. We will:

9.5 Ensure robust long term financial planning is in place to protect the financial sustainability of Council

9.6 Implement long term asset management planning that supports innovation and sustainability of service delivery, taking into account the community’s aspirations and capacity to pay for desired service levels

9.7 Develop our procurement practices to increase value for money within an effective governance framework

Our services. We will:

9.8 Work ‘smarter’ across departments, in multi-disciplinary teams to achieve continuous improvement and effective co-ordination

9.9 Manage security of and access to Council information

9.10 Use information management, mapping and communication technology to meet Council and community expectations

9.11 Develop and improve systems to support modern and flexible delivery of services

Community Priorities that RCC will uphold during 2010-2015
• Engaging communities

• Developing leadership

• Demonstrating Accountability

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