Has Redland City Council delivered what it said it would during 2010- 2015? We ask the Community to see for themselves on how well the Council has kept to its word for each of the eight delivery areas of the Redlands 2030 Community Plan.

Give a mark for each Strategy and/or Community Priority below

  • High pass – Council has exceeded delivery of Strategy, strongly upheld Community Priority
  • Low pass – Council has progressed delivery of Strategy, somewhat upheld Community Priority
  • Not Sure  –  Considered Important but Not sure if anything has been done
  • FAIL          – Council has FAILED to deliver of Strategy, NOT upheld Community Priority
  • BLANK       – Not Important

Click the  below SUBMIT BUTTON when finished. Thankyou for your participation.

Delivery 1/8 – Healthy natural environment

Expected Outcome for 2015 – A diverse and healthy natural environment, with an abundance of native flora and fauna and rich ecosystems will thrive through our awareness, commitment and action in caring for the environment.

 Strategies that RCC will deliver 2010-2015
1.1 Increase biodiversity by taking informed action to protect, enhance and manage our local ecosystems

1.2 Stop the decline in population of the koala and other species at risk through advocacy, protecting and restoring vital habitat and increasing community engagement and action

1.3 Protect our natural environment by restoring degraded landscapes, contaminated land and managing fire, pests and other hazards

1.4 Improve residents’ understanding, respect and enjoyment of the local environment through stewardship and partnerships

1.5 Co-ordinate effective management of the conservation estate on all (private and public) lands in Redlands, through a combination of incentives and various tenure and management arrangements to restore, maintain and plant new habitat

1.6 Address the decline in the health of Redlands waterways and improve water quality, aquatic populations and their biodiversity

Community priorities

• Maintaining unique biodiversity

• Protecting, restoring and enhancing the environment

• People supporting the environment

Performance Indicators that RCC will monitor during 2010-2015
Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• water quality rating

• waterway health rating

• koala population

• net increase in habitat

• wildlife crossings and linkages

• tree protection enforcement

• number of bush care groups

• involvement in extension programs (eg ‘your backyard’ program)


Our green living choices will improve our quality of life and our children’s lives, through our sustainable and energy efficient use of resources, transport and infrastructure, and our well informed responses to risks such as climate change.


We will:

2.1 Achieve sustainability through strong leadership and innovation, and by effective planning and managing our services, assets and resources

2.2 Promote, support and encourage commitment to green living in our community by improving residents’ understanding of climate change and achieving greater water, energy and waste conservation and efficiency

2.3 Promote a ‘go local’ attitude towards working,socialising, shopping, playing and supporting local production of food

2.4 Provide and maintain safe and attractive routes for people to walk and cycle throughout the city and to connect to nearby regional centres

2.5 Achieve greater use of public transport by advocating for improved access to innovative and high quality services

2.6 Conserve energy and water, improve efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions resulting from Council’s energy consumption

2.7 Keep Redlands clean and green through programs that increase community participation in practical and positive local action to build a sense of ownership and an increasing pride in our city

2.8 Implement Council’s waste management strategy by applying best practice principles in pricing, public awareness, Resource management, recycling and recovery

2.9 Protect our community and the natural environment by managing environmental harm and nuisance caused by industry, business, development from past and present activities

Community priorities

• Making green choices the norm

• Managing our resources Sustainably

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• energy consumption for Council buildings

• Council fleet statistics

• Council water consumption

• waste sent to landfill

• percentage of waste recycled

• length of shared cycle/pedestrian paths

• Council’s carbon footprint

• community carbon footprint

3. Embracing the bay


The benefits of the unique ecosystems, visual beauty, spiritual nourishment and coastal lifestyle provided by the islands, beaches, foreshores and water catchments of Moreton Bay will be valued, protected and celebrated.


We will:

3.1 Address the social, cultural and economic needs of island communities by partnering with residents and other tiers of government to deliver infrastructure, facilities and services

3.2 Better manage our foreshores through coordinated planning with a special focus on resilience to the impacts of flooding and storm tides

3.3 Ensure the ongoing health of the bay by managing creeks, wetlands and stormwater and by protecting natural areas surrounding the bay

3.4 Promote enjoyment of the bay by improving access for environmentally sensitive recreation activities, education, economic opportunities and ecotourism

3.5 Build partnerships with marine research, education institutions and the private sector to develop future research projects and education programs that will improve the health of the bay

3.6 Support management of the marine park and advocate for a new national park covering a substantial area of North Stradbroke Island

Community priorities

• Protecting the bay

• Making the bay accessible

• Living sustainably on the islands

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• tourism numbers

• water quality

• increase number of new sensitively designed bay access points for low impact recreational activities

• public management of foreshore and waterway areas of the city

• quality of life data for island communities (eg ABS SEIFA index)

4. Quandamooka country


The rich Aboriginal heritage of the Redlands (Quandamooka) and the Traditional Owners’ ongoing custodianship of Quandamooka land and waters will be widely understood and respected, and we will work together for the future of Quandamooka Country.


We will:

4.1 Improve community understanding and promote respect for the Quandamooka peoples’ relationship with the land and waters of Redlands

4.2 Negotiate Council’s rights and interests with respect to native title land with the Traditional Owners of the land through an Indigenous Land Use Agreement

4.3 Strengthen partnerships in natural and cultural resource management with local Aboriginal organisations, in particular management of the North Stradbroke Island holiday parks

4.4 Advocate for the application of Indigenous landscape values in state planning in line with DRO7 the SEQ Regional Plan and work with the local Aboriginal community to protect sites and landscapes of significance to their heritage and wellbeing

4.5 Work with local Traditional Owners and Elders and apply creative and educational techniques to improve employees’, residents’ and visitors’ understanding of the heritage, achievements and aspirations of local Aboriginal people

4.6 Build on Council’s partnership with local Aboriginal organisations to strengthen shared planning, service delivery, advocacy and decision-making, using the Quandamooka Aboriginal Community Plan to guide our management of assets and services

4.7 Support the Quandamooka Forum in its negotiations with Queensland and Commonwealth Government

4.8 Acknowledge the living culture of local Aboriginal people by formally recognising Traditional Owners in Council ceremonies by observing cultural protocols, promoting traditional knowledge and increasing the profile of Aboriginal heritage through signage, cultural, tourism and community events

4.9 Work with Traditional Owners of North Stradbroke Island / Minjerriba to establish an Indigenous-focussed knowledge centre in Dunwich to encourage local cultural and economic development opportunities and educate the wider community

Community priorities

• Supporting Aboriginal custodians

• Strengthening reconciliation through partnership

• Sharing and educating

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• awareness of local Aboriginal history and culture (survey)

• satisfaction of Quandamooka Forum with implementation of Quandamooka Community Plan

• number of Council and community partnership initiatives

5. Wise planning and design Outcome

We will carefully manage population pressures and use land sustainably while advocating and taking steps to determine limits of growth and carrying capacity on a local and national basis, recognising environmental sensitivities and the distinctive character, heritage and atmosphere of local communities. A well-planned network of urban, rural and bushland areas and responsive infrastructure and transport systems will support strong, healthy communities.


We will:

5.1 Prepare and put in place a new planning scheme for the Redlands that reflects the aspirations and expectations outlined in the Community Plan and Corporate Plans, state interests, recognised in the SEQ Regional Plan and the legal obligations of the Sustainable Planning Act

5.2 Manage population growth in a compact settlement pattern, having defined the sustainable carrying capacity of the city and limits to population growth

5.3 Advocate strongly to all levels of government about the impacts of an increased population on the city and the region’s liveability and natural systems

5.4 Review Council’s and the community’s climate change preparedness, ensuring all risks are understood and plans are activated to deal with expected outcomes

5.5 Plan and develop a network of accessible centres that provide a wide range of retail, commercial and community services along with local employment opportunities

5.6 Manage the built environment in a way that creates accessible and user friendly spaces and maintains our local character and identity, ensuring all new developments use high quality design that reflects our sub-tropical climate, promotes health, community harmony and wellbeing

5.7 Support a sustainable future for rural areas by developing and implementing a rural strategy that recognises the city’s heritage, economic, environmental and scenic values and promotes sustainable rural industries and activities

5.8 Plan and advocate to connect the city’s communities with improved public transport including a road, ferry, cycling and walking network that provides safe and efficient movement within the city and the region and supports physical activity; and promote efficient and environmentally responsible private transport

5.9 Promote housing diversity, choice and affordability to address the city’s current and future needs, incorporating medium density housing within and around the city’s centres and transport nodes

5.10 Maintain the quality and liveability of residential areas and protect natural resources

5.11 Provide for ‘place making’ throughout the city through creative and inclusive master planning, local area planning, public art and heritage planning and precinct character planning processes to manage development at a local level

5.12 Plan, provide and advocate for essential physical and social infrastructure that supports community well-being and manage Council’s existing infrastructure assets to ensure current service standards are maintained or improved

5.13 Enhance the city’s liveability and enable people to enjoy outdoor activities, social gatherings and community events through planning, providing and managing high quality parks and open spaces

Community priorities

• Strengthening physical character and heritage

• Planning for a liveable city

• Prioritising public infrastructure

• Maximising green spaces

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• percentage of land used as productive farmland

• estimated resident population against defined carrying capacity

• diversity of housing approved

• liveability headline indicators as part of the Redlands Sustainability Project

• total area of open space within the city per head of population

• health and social impacts of planning and design

6. Supportive and vibrant economy


Businesses will thrive and jobs will grow from opportunities generated by low impact industries, cultural and outdoor lifestyle activities, eco-tourism and quality educational experiences.


We will:

6.1 Bolster the local economy and local employment by providing business support to local companies, promoting social enterprise and providing opportunities for creativity, diversity and entrepreneurial activity

6.2 Market the distinctive image of the Redlands by encouraging low impact businesses that are knowledgebased and creative to establish in the city

6.3 Promote significant redevelopment of Cleveland and Capalaba as principal regional activity centres delivering mixed-use centres that provide opportunities for economic investment and local employment

6.4 Bring new business to the Redlands by promoting the city as a sustainable business locale, promoting Redland’s advantages and advocating for the relocation of a major state government department

6.5 Develop partnerships with TAFE and other education providers to promote more tertiary education courses in the Redlands and training that supports local business needs

6.6 Promote Redlands as a high quality tourism destination and encourage the development of sustainable naturebased, heritage and eco-tourism

Community priorities

• Promoting a self sufficient economy

• Growing local jobs

• Developing skills

• Strengthening the tourism industry

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• employment levels

• tourism numbers

• new businesses assisted by the Business Grow program

7. Strong and connected communities


Our health, wellbeing and strong community spirit will be supported by a full range of services, programs, organisations and facilities, and our values of caring and respect will extend to people of all ages, cultures, abilities and needs.


We will:

7.1 Promote festivals, events and activities for people to come together, developing connections and networks to improve community spirit and enhance ‘sense of place’

7.2 Provide access to quality services, facilities and information that meet the needs of all age groups and communities, especially disadvantaged and vulnerable people

7.3 Increase community safety, health and wellbeing by planning and delivering programs, services, partnerships, regulations and education

7.4 Increase the participation of people from all age groups and backgrounds in local heritage, the arts and cultural expression

7.5 Increase the physical activity participation of residents and deliver programs and incentives that strengthen opportunities for sport and recreation

7.6 Provide practical programs, support and guidance to the community sector in its delivery of highly valued support services and community projects

7.7 Increase children and young people’s active participation in community life and support their social, cultural and physical development

7.8 Support “Ageing Well in the Redlands”, to enable active participation in all aspects of community life

7.9 Actively participate in multi-agency forums to support the health and wellbeing of Indigenous residents of the Redlands and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island communities in the Redlands to develop initiatives that respond to their aspirations

7.10 Minimise the impact of disasters by improving community preparedness and our capacity to respond effectively to support the community when disasters

Community priorities

• Building community spirit and belonging

• Safeguarding community wellbeing

• Building on local strengths

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• volunteering numbers and hours

• community health indicators (eg levels of physical activity)

• community feeling on safety and crime (survey)

• social inequality measures using Australian Bureau of Statistics data

• youth participation rates

• access to support services (service audits and survey)

8. Inclusive and ethical governance


Deep engagement, quality leadership at all levels, transparent and accountable democratic processes and a spirit of partnership between the community and Council will enrich residents’ participation in local decision making to achieve the community’s Redlands 2030 vision and goals.


We will:

8.1 Embed the visions and goals of the Redlands 2030 Community Plan into our planning, operations and culture and develop effective reporting and monitoring arrangements to show how we are progressing on implementation of the Community Plan and this Corporate Plan

8.2 Provide accessible information through different media to let residents know about local issues and how to get involved in programs and make a positive contribution to their community

8.3 Establish and maintain effective partnerships with local, regional and national organisations and governments to deliver the visions and goals of the community

8.4 Deliver broad, rich and deep engagement that reaches residents of all ages, backgrounds and locations, enabling them to contribute their views about plans and decisions affecting them and developing community leadership

8.5 Be transparent and consistent in the way we manage the organisation, its risks and obligations and ensure we are delivering against our priorities

8.6 Implement a comprehensive enterprise approach to risk management across the organization

8.7 Ensure Council resource allocation is sustainable and delivers on Council and community priorities

8.8 Provide clear information to citizens about how rates, fees and charges are set and how Council intends to finance the delivery of the Community Plan and Corporate Plan

Community priorities

• Engaging communities

• Developing leadership

• Demonstrating Accountability

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• how the community feels about its capacity to have a say on key decisions affecting the Redlands (via survey)

• overall number of engagements

• satisfaction with Council’s community leadership (survey)

9. An efficient and effective organisation


Council is well respected and seen as an excellent organisation which manages resources in an efficient and effective way

Our people

We will:

9.1 Deliver excellent leadership throughout the organization for the benefit of the community

9.2 Recruit and retain high quality staff and promote the organisation as an employer of choice

9.3 Actively promote diversity in the workforce and ensure flexibility is incorporated into work practices to support staff in achieving a healthy work-life balance

9.4 Provide a safe place for staff to work in and support the health and wellbeing of our people.

Our finances

We will:

9.5 Ensure robust long term financial planning is in place to protect the financial sustainability of Council

9.6 Implement long term asset management planning that supports innovation and sustainability of service delivery, taking into account the community’s aspirations and capacity to pay for desired service levels

9.7 Develop our procurement practices to increase value for money within an effective governance framework

Our services

We will:

9.8 Work ‘smarter’ across departments, in multi-disciplinary teams to achieve continuous improvement and effective co-ordination

9.9 Manage security of and access to Council information

9.10 Use information management, mapping and communication technology to meet Council and community expectations

9.11 Develop and improve systems to support modern and flexible delivery of services

Community priorities

• Engaging communities

• Developing leadership

• Demonstrating Accountability

Performance indicators

We will monitor:

• staff turnover rate

• actual procurement spend

• quality of internal support (via staff surveys)

• number of part-time employees

• level of local buying

• incidence and nature of workplace injuries

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