The contrary views on the recent Redlands City Council’s $259 million budget and the rates increase make compelling viewing.

Budget increases!

Budget increases!

The move to social media platforms is an interesting trend given today sees the launch of the new Redlands City Bulletin.  The demise of the Bayside Bulletin and the Redlands Times is possible another sign that how people “get” their news is moving away from traditional media.
The views of Redlands2030 about the the 2014-5 Council budget were expressed in Redlands Budget is full of holes .  The Redlands City Chamber of Commerce expressed disappointment too, given the 15% increase in commercial rates.
There are many views on the budget in the community and it is certainly interesting to see and hear these contrary views, here we have compiled a “one stop shop” for the community to gauge how “we are travelling”.   

Budget highlights

Council has outlined highlights of the City’s Budget as including:
On Target

  • A headline rates increase of just 3.48 per cent
  • $2.7 million in rates rebates for pensioners, with a full pension discount of $330.
  • Capital program $61.9 million
  • A net predicted surplus of $10.16 million, including operating and capital revenue.
  • An operating deficit at the end of the 2013-14 financial year of about $2 million
  • Average water rates increase to 3.3 per cent

Budget views

Alternate views about the City’s budget, start with the Mayor William’s on line explanation…
2014-15 Budget Highlights  
Cr Ogilvie’s response covers there key areas:
First, his response to the Council claiming to have kept rates at CPI, he explains the realites of the rates increase…
Council budget rate claims
Second, he then explains how Council has some real difficulties with its capital program and has the wrong priorities
Council budget priorities
Finally, he discusses his concern that Council is set to post a deficit next financial year and has increase in net debt. What’s more it gets worse in outer years if anticipated efficiency targets aren’t met!
Redland City Budget is irresponsible
Cr Wendy Bolgary  shares her concerns, with constituents, about future financial sustainability of current strategy and gives one of her reasons for voting against the 2014/15 Budget.  Her reason being the unacceptable forecasted $11 m deficit which was previously projected to be a $2m surplus.
Cr Bolgary Redland City Budget

What can you do!

Subscribe to the Redlands2030 newsletter and hear contrary opinions about the Council’s budget and other policy issues, and contribute to the debate!  Or join us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter .

Baz, Jul 06, 2014

The aura of revenue flowing from new development is exploded on page 60 of the current RCC budget, which shows how Infrastructure Charges are made:
Infrastructure charges for new developments are currently regulated by the State Government and are subject to
annual change. The breakup of the charge is as follows:
Stormwater 5.6%
Roads 17.2%
Cycleway 6.9%
Parks 37.0%
Community 2.3%
Water and Wastewater 31%
All good but then infrastructure charges for a new development will fund approximately 50-60% of the trunk infrastructure and 100% of non-trunk infrastructure (i.e. residential streets, drainage etc).
That means RCC (or ratepayers) will fund about 40-50% of trunk infrastructure. That is the sting in the PDAs and other large scale development. More rates yes but more costs too.

luke, Jun 29, 2014

Just wait till all these pro development approvals are passed and the rate payers have to pay 20% of all development costs, you aint seen nothing yet. The damage done by this council and the LNP government, will in time show it ruined the Redlands and even with a new council at the next election it will be to late to restore its beauty.

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